Junior Tech After School Program off LSET is a comprehensive course designed to help students learn and foster their programming skills, along with game development abilities. In today’s technology-driven world, proficiency in programming is becoming increasingly essential. Our program not only equips students with the fundamental programming knowledge but also delves into the exciting realm of game development. Here are some key reasons why game development is considered the future and what students can gain from mastering it

What is Junior Tech After School Program?

Comprehensive Courses

Exciting programs that introduce children to technology, programming, and game development.

Hands-On Learning

Nurture creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills through practical projects.


Develop the in-demand skills and competencies needed for tomorrow’s tech-driven world.

Transformative Impact

Empower students to become future leaders and innovators in technology.

What's in this Program?


Explore robotics and programming, covering basic and advance concepts, to gain comprehensive knowledge and skills in this emerging field.


Learn game design principles and Lua coding to create engaging Roblox experiences, gaining essential skills for interactive and immersive game development.


Explore game engines, programming fundamentals, and game creation, delving into game development essentials for immersive learning experiences.

Why Choose this Program?

Future Skills Development

Gain skills in high demand for tomorrow’s technology-driven industries.

Hands-on Learning

Practical projects and real-world applications prepare students for future challenges.

Creativity and Innovation

Fostering an entrepreneurial mindset to become future leaders in technology.

How Does this Technology Help in the Future?


Transforming industries with solutions to complex problems and improved efficiency.


Booming opportunities in entertainment, education, simulation, and more.


Preparing students for roles in software, AI, data science, and cybersecurity.

How Will Enrolling Benefit Students?

Technical Skills

Develop essential competencies for future careers in technology.

Critical Thinking

Cultivate creativity, problem-solving, and an entrepreneurial mindset.

Industry Experience

Gain hands-on experience with industry-standard tools and technologies.

Career Exploration

Discover potential paths and interests in technology-related fields.

Reasons why game development is considered the future

Career Opportunities

The booming gaming industry offers diverse career opportunities in game design, development, graphics programming, and virtual reality engineering. Acquiring game development skills  allows students to strategically position themselves for lucrative and fulfilling careers in this expanding field. Early skill development enhances employability and provides a competitive edge in a dynamic, innovative industry, ensuring students are well-prepared for the diverse opportunities the gaming sector offers.

Creative Expression

Junior Tech After School Program of LSET provides game development a unique platform for students to express themselves creatively through interactive experiences. It enables them to design captivating storylines, craft stunning graphics, and develop innovative gameplay mechanics. This dynamic and engaging process allows students to bring their imaginations to life and explore their creativity in various aspects of game creation.

Problem-Solving Skills

Game development necessitates resolving intricate issues, including improving performance, incorporating algorithms, and rectifying code errors. By tackling these hurdles, individuals enhance their aptitude for technical reasoning and problem-solving, attributes that hold immense value in technology and creativity. This undertaking not only hones their technical prowess but also equips them for a diverse array of professional prospects.

Adaptability to Emerging Technologies

Game development is constantly evolving with technologies like augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and artificial intelligence (AI). By mastering the fundamentals, students can adapt to these advancements and stay ahead in the industry. This knowledge ensures they remain relevant and future-ready, equipped to handle the latest trends and innovations in the ever-changing tech landscape. Mastering these skills prepares them for a dynamic and evolving career in game development.

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